Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fermented Foods ~ Restoring Healthy Bacteria

In my last post I spoke about Parasites and the negative effects they have on our health. One of the steps to resorting our health is to replenish the good bacteria with fermented foods. In years gone by before refrigeration we fermented our food to preserve excess.  Before antibacterial washes, wipes and gel, before our food was scrubbed clean with bleach , pasterurised, or irradiated.  We fermented our food to preserve excess and with this process healthy bacteria were created. Roll many years forward we have lost the art of fermenting or culturing foods.
 Due to our want it now lifestyle and convenience foods we are no longer getting those healthy naturaly occurring  probiotics our bodies need to aid digestion, fight infection, sickness and keep those nasty parasites under control.  But the benefits of incorporating  fermented foods doesn't end there. Fermented/Cultured foods are very powerful probiotoics that get to work fighting the bad bacteria in the body and are so much more powerful than a shop bought powder or tablet. They help to reduce high cholesterol and strengthen the digestive and immune systems. Plus they are budget friendly, loaded with nutrition are alkaline forming, and are so easy to add to any meal. So whats not love. The picture above is my current cultured / fermented masterpieces !

 Don't take probiotic supplements,eat cultured foods. You get billions more good bacteria,and the transport system of the food makes all the difference remember you want to get the bacteria to your bowel. You will feel the effects quicker than a supplement and they are less expensive

So here is a little vid about how important probiotics are to us

What are the Benifits ?

They help to re establish your inner ecosystem.

Improve digestion

Increase longevity

Eliminate toxins, 

Rejuvenates cells 

Strengthen the immune system

Control Cravings

Alkaline & Cleansing

What are some cultured foods ?

Dairy Kefir 
 - Can be made with a Kefir starter available at health food shops ,follow directions on box or Dairy Kefir can be made with fresh Kefir grains these you can buy online but if you are wanting some contact us we can help you out with that ;)  
-The Kefir grains are far superior to the dry starters but if you can only get the dry starter it is better than none. 
-Kefir is rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B12, niacin, and folic acid. 
-Kefir contains 30 – 35 major strains of friendly bacteria most probiotic suppliments only contain 4-6 strains
The taste of Kefir can be improved by Ripening it. Ripening improves overall flavour, increases vitamins B1, B6 including vitamin B9 or folic acid
 If you dont tolerate Dairy you should be able to digest Dairy Kefir as its the lactose that most people cant handle in dairy and the grains feed off the lactose so there should be very little if any lactose felt. If you do have a reaction eg diarrhea or cramps reduce the amount of kefir and slowly build up to 1 cup per day 
 Dairy Kefir is a very aggressive probiotic and the good bacteria are very active at killing off the bad remember to start off slowly to avoid the negative effects if you get them. Or use Coconut or Water Kefir for 2 weeks before starting on the dairy Kefir 

Coconut Kefir
 - Coconut Kefir is made from fresh coconut water and the same Kefir starter when following the directions on the box just use coconut water instead of milk.

Water Kefir
 - Again like Dairy Kefir you can buy the grains or powder online just do a google search - I haven't got my hands on any of these yet but plan on - So if you have any or know of anyone please let me know.

 -is a traditional Korean Dish it is a Spicy fermented cabbage
  -the cayanne pepper or chili is full of vitamin A and C  in Kimchi is know to suppresses the growth of cancer cells.
- Fibers in Kimchi detoxify toxins that cause cancer and prevent constipation.
- The organic acid, lactobacilli, and lactic acid--which are produced during the fermentation of
Kimchi--suppress harmful bacteria and stimulate beneficial bacteria, prevent constipation, clean intestines and prevent colon cancer.                                                  

 - most of us have heard of sauerkraut but it not the shop bought stuff you want. Unfortunatley due to the mass production of this sauerkraut is not made the traditional cultured way generally now it is pickled with vinegar.

  - is a fermented tea. To Traditional Chinese Medicine, this type of tea is labeled as the “elixir of life” and “Tea of Immortality.” To make Kombucha you need a Kombucha 'scooby'. If you are wanting to try making your own Kombucha drop us a line and I would be more than happy to give you one the next time my Mother drops one.

 - a thick paste made from fermented soybeans and barley or rice malt or chickpeas. If buying make sure you buy GMO free unpasterised Miso. If you are going to make Miso you must be patient it take  12 months to ferment 

 - I am yet to try making this I normally buy it but as soon as I get hold of some spores of Rhyzopus I will be giving it a go. Just remember when buying Tempeh only buy organic GMO free tempeh. I have not made any secret of the fact that general soy products are not a health foods and I avoid them, unfermented soy like tofu ,soy milk, soy cheese do have a negative effect on our health. To read more about the negative effectsof unfermented soy read Here 

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
 - always buy ACV that contains 'the mother' you want it to be a fermented Vinegar.  I use Braggs ACV 

 - Make sure you buy organic pot set yoghurt. Yoghurt  is  good food for healthy bacteria but it wont clean up pathogens and re-colonize the gut the way kefir will. So if you find it hard to get kefir into kids try mixing in a few spoons of kefir into their yoghurt. My son love rice cakes and honey so I spread a spoon of kefir onto his rice cake than cover it with honey. 

We should aim to be eating a small amount of fermented food with each meal to aid digestion and replenish do bacteria in the gut. Sounds like a lot but really easy done.
Some suggestions -
   -add Kefir to your morning smoothie or shake, 
   -a small amount of Kimchi or Sauerkraut with your salad some 
   -Kombucha with for afternoon tea or in a juice. 
   -dip with vege sticks for morning tea
   -Cultured salsa with corn chips. 
   -Cultured tomato sauce with dinner.
   -Make a salad dressing with Apple Cider Vineger & Miso
   -Buy Tamari instead of soy sauce

Below is some recipes I use to add cultured vege and foods into our diet.

                                                      Picked Cucumbers - I use this recipes from Raw Pleasures

  • cucumbers of choice
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon whole peppercorn
  • 1 -2 tablespoons of himalayan salt
  • water

Slice your cucumbers in a way that you like.

Put them in a jar and add your mustard seeds, peppercorns and salt.

Massage the salt in until the cucumbers start to release their liquid. Add enough water to cover them. Weigh them down so they don't rise to the surface and then cover with a cloth so they can breath and leave them somewhere warm for a few days. Test every couple of days until they are as you like them and then pop a lid on them and put them in the fridge. They'll last for months!

Kefir cheese
Drain Kefir through a coffee filter or chux over night 
the whey will drain out and you will be left with Kefir Cheese
Keep the whey and use as a starter culture for vegetables.
It will look like cream cheese. Use as a dip or spread
Kefir Cheese Dip
1/2 cup Kefir Cheese
1/4 cup natural yogurt
1 teaspoon dried onion
1/2 red onion diced or chives
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 teasppon lemon juice
  Kefir                                             pinch of salt 
                                                      2 tbls cropped parsley
                                                      Mix all together and serve with vege sticks and crackers 

Cultured Salsa
fresh salsa would be best but I don't always have the time so this is nice quick and tasty
1 Jar of Salsa
4 Tbs Fresh Whey ( the liquid drained from making Kefir cheese)

stir whey through salsa and cover with a cloth 
leave sit on the bench 2-3 days
it can get a bit of mold on top just scrape it off place lid on and keep in the fridge. It will keep in the fridge for months.
You know it done when you scrape the top of the salsa and it  bubbles 
You could make a kefir cheese sour cream and serve the salsa with corn chips !

                                                    Coconut Yoghurt
2 Young Coconuts
1 teaspoon probiotic powder
1 teaspoon  vanilla 
Blend coconut water and flesh
add probiotic and vanilla 
Blend till smooth 
pour into a clean glass jar, cover and sit on the bench over night up to 24 hrs and put in the fridge.
Kimchi -you will find heaps of recipes for kimchi in a google search this one I am currently using I just through together with what I had on hand.
1 purple cabbage shredded 
2 grated carrots
1 finely diced onion 
1 dies red capsicum
1teaspoon Cayenne pepper
3 tbs Arame
2 storks celery
3 TbHimalayan salt
4Tbs Apple Cider Vinger
1inch grated ginger
2 tsp minced garlic 
place all ingredients in a bowl massage until the liquid comes out of the vegtables
put in a clean glass jar
weigh down vegetable so they are all covered with liquid
I roll up the outside leaves of the cabbage to stuff into the top of the jar to keep the kimchi in the liquid. Put in the pantry for at lest 4 days -2 weeks. once open keep in the fridge. 

                                                                                   Fermented Tomato Sauce 
 400ml Tomato Puree
 200g jar tomato paste
 6 Tbs fresh Whey
2-3 miced garlic cloves
1/4 +2 Tbs cup honey
2Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
pinch of  Cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon Himalayan salt
Mix all together 
place in a clean jar 
                                                                                    leave sit in a warm place for 2-3 days
                                                                                    Then refridgerate 


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