Saturday, January 21, 2012

Super foods ~ Hemp. Recipes using Hemp

Hemp would have to be the most important thing in my kitchen !
  I love Hemp seeds!! Not only are they delish but they are an amazing source of nutrition. 
 The benefits for the immune system was the first thing that  really excited me about hemp. Let me explain why. My son now 3 was born 16 weeks premature . He had many of the health issues prems have and many uncommon health issues. One of his complications was no immunity. Most premature babies have lower immunity than a term baby but he had no immunity which was discovered when he was 100 days old after having many infections. A long story short he needed to have monthly intragram infusions starting with 8 doses. After this time they tested his levels. His levels where boarder line needing more infusions but what little immunity he had was working very well and he has not needed any more infusions. Ya!  Every time I take him to a follow up appointments at the hospital his Doctors always tell me  how amazed they are at how well he is and have repeatedly told me he is not what he should be with his medical history and its only that they know his medical history first hand or they would never believe it to look at him. He is a very normal and bright 3 year boy that has no developmental or growth delays. They always say 'what ever you are doing keep doing it!!' What have I done? I have always believed that if we give the body everything it needs nutritionally and limit the amount of toxins entering the body than the body will heal. So I have always given him a diet very high in nutrition and I have not added toxic things into or onto his body. 
 Hemp is one of the foods I give him everyday.

The Benefits of Hemp

 Hemp seeds are nutrient-powerhouses containing:
  • All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce.
  • A superior vegetarian source of protein considered easily digestible.
  • More protein than meat, eggs or dairy products. It is a complete source
    of protein and more digestible than soy products.
  • A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.2
    Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.3
  • Nature's highest botanical source of essential fatty acid, with more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil
  • Has more Omega 3 fats than any fish source
  • A perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid - for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.
  • A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.
  • The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids5
  • Hemp oil and hemp seeds are high in omega-3 essential fatty acids and have shown to be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.
Hemp seed oil has been attributed to helping: increase energy, soften skin, relieve arthritis and normalize blood cholesterol.   
 Source Body Ecology

Here is a very interesting Read on Hemp Seeds.
This article claims that because hemp’s protein is in the globulin edistin form it is a superior source of protein. It ends that thought with this paragraph.
“The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to make the globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also includes quantities of albumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids the body needs to make human serum albumin and serum globulins like the immune enhancing gamma globulins. Eating hemp seeds could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away. [Czechoslovakia Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955] “
 Where Can you get Hemp Seeds, Protein Powder and Oil ? 

Until recently I was having to order my hemp seeds from the UK or Canada but thankfully we can now get local hemp seeds from Here

What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?

Hemp and Marijuana are both in the Cannabis family, but hemp seed does not contain the psychoactive compound, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), that Marijuana does. Hemp is grown for industrial purposes; food, fiber and fuel. It is similiar to the difference in poppies that are grown to make opium narcotic and the poppys that are grown for the poppy seeds that are used in food products.

How To Eat Hemp Seeds:
Incorporating hemp seeds in your diet is so easy. You can purchase whole hemp seeds, hulled hemp seeds, hemp seed protein powder, and hemp seed oil. Simply just eat them raw, add them to a salad, replace olive oil with hemp seed oil on salads, etc.
Remember it’s best to keep hemp seeds refrigerated and air tight. This will help protect the seed and the nourishing Omega-3s which are sensitive to heat and oxygen.


Hemp Seed Cheese

2 cups raw cashews soaked for 2 hrs

1/4 cup hemp seeds

1 cup rejuvelac ( see below)

1/2 tsp salt

Place it all in a blender until smooth

Place in a clean glass jar, cover with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band.

cover with a towel and leave sit over night on the bench than refrigerate

Enjoy with crackers or vege sticks

Sour Cream

1 cup Hemp Cheese

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 fresh lemon juice
pinch of salt

1/4 -1/2 water, as necessary

Place cheese, oil & lemon juice in blender blend on high for 20-30 seconds. 

Add water slowly while blending on medium speed until creamy & smooth.

this is great to use with burritos, tacos as a dip and on top of Pizza!

 -  A fermented beverage with many vitamins, enzymes &  helps rebuild digestion. Normally made on wheat or rye but as I try to avoid grains I find millet works fine           

                                                      1 cup of millet
3 cups water

wash millet well

place in a glass jar with water

Cover jar with clean cloth and ferment for 2 days I normally place it in the pantry. Strain the rejuvelac into a sterile jar. Refrigerate if you are going to consume over a few days.

You can sprout millet first if you are wanting a sprouted rejuvelac

Rejuvelac is great for digestion. any left over from making the cheese you can drink everyday 1/4 cup. Keep in the fridge but it should be drank at room temp.

I know it seems like a lot of work just for a cheese and sour cream but well worth it this sour cream is YUMMO and so good for you.

After I made sour cream for our Quinoa Pizza's I had plenty left over  the following night we had cheesy kelp noodles. Sour cream + garlic + savory yeast flakes & some herbs out of the garden made a really nice cheesy sauce!

Or use it as a dip or salad dressing!

Mango Hemp Seed Salad

2 mango's diced
1 Avocado diced
handful baby spinach shredded
2 Tbs Hemp Seeds

Mix Mango, Avocado & spinach together in a bowl
Sprinkle Hemp Seeds on Top  

Bess xx

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